If You Have To Be Afraid, Be Afraid of Fear

Have you ever met someone who seems to have it all together? A high-flying CEO, a fearless entrepreneur, a world-renowned artist – these people exude confidence and radiate success. But here’s a secret most successful people won’t tell you: they’re terrified too.

Remember that time cricketer Virat Kohli publicly admitted to battling anxiety before a big match? Or the countless interviews where Bollywood A-listers confess pre-performance jitters? Fear is a universal human experience, and it doesn’t discriminate based on achievements.

The real difference between those who soar and those who stay grounded lies not in the absence of fear, but in their relationship with it. My coaching philosophy hinges on a simple yet powerful statement: If you have to be afraid, be afraid of fear.

Let’s unpack this idea and equip you with the tools to transform fear from a crippling monster into a manageable nudge towards growth.

The Two Faces of Fear: Friend or Foe?

If You Have To Be Afraid, Be Afraid of Fear

Fear, at its core, is an evolutionary marvel. It’s hardwired into our DNA, a legacy from our ancestors who faced life-or-death situations on a regular basis. That adrenaline rush you feel when a car swerves in your lane? It’s the same physiological response that helped our ancestors dodge ferocious predators or escape sudden danger. The primal “fight-or-flight” mechanism ensures our survival by triggering a cascade of hormones, preparing our bodies to either confront the threat or flee to safety.

However, the world we inhabit today is vastly different from the one our ancestors roamed. While genuine physical threats still exist, increasingly, our fears have shifted into the nebulous realm of the mind. Gone are the saber-toothed tigers, replaced by anxieties about job interviews, financial risks, or the vulnerability of putting ourselves out in the world. These modern-day fears trigger the same ancient stress response, even when we’re not facing imminent physical danger.

This is where fear can become insidious. According to a survey by the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), around 150 million individuals had mental health issues that required treatment. Many individuals link their anxiety to social interactions, career ambitions, or fear of personal judgment. What was once a life-saving response now holds us back from pursuing our goals and living a fulfilling life.

It’s crucial to distinguish between rational fear and limiting fear. For example, feeling nervous before delivering a presentation is a natural, even helpful, response. That nervous energy can boost your focus and performance. However, if fear of public speaking prevents you from seizing opportunities, such as showcasing your ideas or applying for a job that requires presentations, it becomes a limiting fear. This type of fear, rooted in self-doubt and anticipatory anxiety, can sabotage your potential and rob you of enriching experiences.

Understanding the origins of our fear response, and the way it manifests in the modern world, is a critical step in learning to manage it. It’s about recognizing fear for what it is – a biological reaction – and choosing to respond to it with intention rather than letting it control our decisions.

The High Cost of Unmanaged Fear

Missed Opportunities: The What-Ifs that Haunt Us

Fear, in its most basic form, is the fear of the unknown. It whispers insidious doubts: “What if I fail?”, “What if I’m not good enough?”, “What if they laugh at me?”. These what-ifs are powerful enough to keep you firmly planted in the safety of the familiar, even when opportunity knocks.

Consider the talented artist who dreams of opening a gallery but never takes the leap because she fears her work won’t sell. Or the aspiring entrepreneur with a brilliant business idea, who never leaves their stable 9-5 for fear of financial ruin. These are the dreams that wither under the weight of fear, leaving a lingering sense of regret and unfulfilled potential.

If You Have To Be Afraid, Be Afraid of Fear

Self-Sabotage: Fear’s Sneaky Disguise

Fear rarely presents itself as simple inaction. It often operates through a web of self-sabotaging behaviours designed to protect us from perceived vulnerability. We procrastinate to avoid facing potential failure. We overthink, creating a whirlwind of worst-case scenarios until any action seems impossible. We might settle for mediocrity in our jobs or relationships, convincing ourselves that striving for more is too risky and likely to end in disappointment.

This phenomenon is vividly reflected in the startling 2022 LinkedIn report, where 63% of Indian professionals reported experiencing “imposter syndrome.” This persistent fear of being discovered as inadequate undercuts ambition, preventing skilled and capable individuals from fully owning their talents and reaching their highest potential.

Stagnation: The Slow Erosion of Spirit

The true tragedy of unchecked fear lies not just in specific missed opportunities, but in a gradual dimming of our inner light. When we allow fear to reign, we become confined to the prison of our comfort zones. Risks are avoided, adventures left untaken, and potential growth remains an abstract idea.

Life, in this fear-driven state, loses its vibrancy. It becomes a flatline of routine and predictability. The excitement and sense of fulfilment that comes from facing challenges, breaking barriers, and experiencing the thrill of personal growth evaporate. Over time, this stagnation can erode our sense of self-belief and leave us feeling trapped in a life smaller than the one we were meant for.

Fear is a formidable opponent, but the consequences of giving in to it are far more costly than the discomfort of facing it head-on.

Conquering the Fear Monster: A Five-Step Plan

So, how do we break free from fear’s paralyzing grip? Here’s a five-step plan to help you overcome fear and step into your power:

1. Acknowledge, Don’t Suppress: The Path to Empowerment Starts Within

Suppressing fear is like trying to hold a beachball underwater – it takes immense energy and will eventually burst to the surface. The first step towards managing fear is to stop fighting it and acknowledge its presence.

Try this: The next time you experience a pang of fear, pause and take a moment to name it. “I feel afraid of speaking up in this meeting.” “I’m scared to try this new creative project because I might fail.” Simply naming your fear takes away some of its power and shifts you into an observer’s role.

If You Have To Be Afraid, Be Afraid of Fear

Further understand your fear triggers. What situations or thoughts tend to set off your fear response? By becoming aware of your triggers, you can start to anticipate them and implement coping strategies.

Remember, fear is a natural human emotion. Accepting it doesn’t mean giving in to it; it means taking the first step towards gaining control.

2. Mindfulness is Your Weapon: Master the Storm of Fear

Mindfulness provides invaluable tools for taming the tempest of fear. Through practices like meditation or focused breathing, you learn to observe your thoughts and emotions without getting swept away by them.

Here’s a helpful analogy: Imagine your fear as a swirling storm inside you. Mindfulness is like stepping calmly into the eye of the storm. From this place of stillness, you can observe the fear sensations without being consumed by them. You might notice your racing heart, tense muscles, or the barrage of negative thoughts. The act of mindful observation itself starts to dissipate the storm’s intensity.

3. Reframe Your Fear: The Perspective Shift that Changes Everything

Fear has a talent for catastrophizing. It paints every potential challenge as insurmountable and failure as inevitable. To counteract this, learn to reframe your fear.

Here’s how: Notice the negative narrative your fear is creating. Now, challenge it. Ask yourself, “What’s the alternative way of looking at this situation?” If you’re afraid of introducing yourself to someone at a networking event, tell yourself, “This is a chance to make a new connection and expand my opportunities.”

Fear whispers “what if I fail?”, but courage whispers back, “what if I succeed?”

4. Take Action – One Step at a Time: Your Antidote to Paralysis

Inaction is fear’s playground. The antidote is intentional, consistent action. Remember, you don’t need to conquer your fear overnight. Instead, break down your goals into small, achievable steps. Let’s say your fear is public speaking. Start with practicing in front of a mirror, then a trusted friend, then a small group, and gradually increase the audience and stakes.

Each step you take, however small, sends a powerful signal to your brain that you are capable of facing your fear. It builds confidence, reduces apprehension, and empowers you to keep going.

5. Embrace the Power of “Calculated Risks”: Leap Forward, Don’t Play it Safe

Living a life completely devoid of fear also means living a life devoid of exhilarating growth. While recklessness is not the answer, neither is playing it safe all the time. Learn to take calculated risks.

A calculated risk involves doing your research, weighing the pros and cons, and developing a plan to mitigate potential downsides. Then, even with a bit of residual fear, take the leap! Whether it’s pursuing an unconventional career path, starting your own venture, or stepping bravely outside your comfort zone in any area, calculated risks help you stretch the boundaries of what you believe is possible.

Important Note: This five-step plan is a powerful tool, but it takes practice and patience. There will be setbacks and moments where fear seems to get the upper hand. Don’t let this discourage you. Persistence is key. Each time you confront fear, even if it doesn’t fully disappear, you weaken its grip and pave the way for greater courage in the future.

Fear as Fuel: Turning Adversity into Advantage

Now that we’ve addressed the practical steps in managing fear, let’s go one step further. It’s time to view fear not just as something to be conquered, but as something to be harnessed.

Fear Fuels Determination: Embracing Fear’s Motivational Fire

Fear, though uncomfortable, can be an incredible catalyst for growth. The very discomfort it creates can ignite a fire within, fuelling a stubborn determination to overcome the challenge and prove the voice of fear wrong.

If You Have To Be Afraid, Be Afraid of Fear

Think of Priya, initially terrified that her lack of formal technical training would prevent her from succeeding in a software engineering role. Instead of allowing this fear to consume her, she channelled it as motivation. She relentlessly committed to upskilling – enrolling in coding courses, seeking out mentorships, and actively taking on challenging projects. Priya’s initial fear fuelled her journey, ultimately propelling her to leadership positions she initially wouldn’t have dared to dream of.

Fear as a Compass: Deciphering Your True North

While counterintuitive, fear can serve as an internal compass, guiding you towards what matters most. Sometimes, our greatest fears reveal our deepest passions. If the mere thought of failing at a particular endeavour fills you with intense dread, it suggests two things:

  • Deep Investment: This is something you genuinely care about and are deeply invested in succeeding.
  • Untapped Potential: The fear arises from the recognition of your potential and the possibility of failing to reach it.

In this way, fear can highlight what you truly value and where your path to fulfilment lies. By facing these fears, you unlock a powerful sense of purpose and direction.

The Thrill of Overcoming Fear: Expanding Your Horizons

There’s something undeniably exhilarating about pushing past the boundary of a fear. When we conquer a challenge that once seemed insurmountable, it creates an unparalleled sense of self-confidence and satisfaction.

Imagine a young woman gripped by a crippling fear of heights. She finally summons the courage to embark on a challenging hiking trail, one shaky step at a time. As she reaches the summit and witnesses the breathtaking view, a wave of accomplishment washes over her. This victory doesn’t just conquer her fear of heights; it profoundly expands her sense of what she believes she is capable of achieving.

Or consider the shy introvert who musters the courage to deliver a presentation to their colleagues. Despite initial nerves, they find their flow and nail the delivery. That boost of confidence carries over into other areas of their life.

Each time you meet fear head-on, you rewrite your personal narrative of strength. The limits you once perceived melt away, replaced by a profound sense of empowerment and the freedom to pursue the life you truly desire.

Real-Life Examples of Courage Over Fear

Inspiration often lies in the stories of those who have bravely faced their fears. Consider these Indian examples:

  • Arunima Sinha: The first female amputee to conquer Mount Everest. Despite facing devastating physical loss and societal criticism, her fear of never experiencing the summit transformed into unstoppable grit.
  • Shahrukh Khan: From humble beginnings to Bollywood superstardom, Shahrukh Khan’s rise illustrates the power of overcoming a fear of rejection and believing in your dreams, even if they seem outlandishly big.
  • Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw: The founder of Biocon, Mazumdar-Shaw defied all odds in a male-dominated industry. Her fear of failure became her fuel, driving her to build a pharmaceutical empire.

These are not just stories of exceptional individuals; they’re reminders of the potential that lies within each of us.

A Coaching Call to Action

My coaching philosophy comes down to this: Fear is inevitable. But the real danger lies in letting it dictate your decisions, dim your passion, and confine you to a life smaller than the one you deserve.

If You Have To Be Afraid, Be Afraid of Fear

Self-reflection is where transformation begins. Let’s pose some powerful questions to challenge your relationship with fear:

  • What’s one fear that’s been holding you back? Forget the “shoulds” or what you think you ought to be afraid of. Dig deep and identify the fear that gnaws at you, making you play small. It could be the fear of putting yourself out on social media for your business, the fear of confronting a difficult relationship, or the fear of switching to a career that feels more aligned with your soul. Be brutally honest.
  • What small action could you take today to begin facing this fear? It’s not about overcoming the fear in one fell swoop, but about chipping away at its power. If public speaking terrifies you, perhaps your small action is attending a speaker’s workshop or signing up for a low-stakes speaking club. Small steps defy paralysis.
  • What would your life look like if you could consistently conquer this fear? This is where you let your imagination soar. Picture the freedom, expanded opportunities, and the fulfilment of living without the weight of this fear holding you hostage. Visualizing this life helps you see what you’re fighting for.

The Compounding Power of Courage

We often underestimate the transformative impact seemingly small victories can have. Every time you choose courage over fear, you do more than win a single battle. You build resilience – that invaluable inner resource that allows you to bounce back from future challenges. Small victories have a cumulative effect, expanding your confidence and unlocking possibilities you may not have even considered before.

Reframing Your Relationship With Fear

As you embark on this journey of facing your fears, a remarkable shift begins to happen. Your perception of fear itself starts to change. Instead of dreading the familiar discomfort, you begin to recognize it as a powerful signpost. It signals that you’re about to step out of the well-worn territory of your comfort zone and into the thrilling landscape of growth and possibility.

Each time you experience that familiar jolt of fear, instead of letting it derail you, greet it with the recognition that something amazing is about to unfold. Fear doesn’t have to be your adversary; it can become the familiar signpost that guides you to your most extraordinary, fulfilling life.

Remember, if you have to be afraid, be afraid of the life you’ll miss out on if you let fear win. Now, go forth and build a life that truly sets your soul on fire.

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