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Looking Back in 3 Years: How This Coaching Conversation Changed Everything

    Have you ever had a conversation that, looking back, altered the entire course of your life? At the time, it may not have seemed like much—a casual chat, perhaps—but upon reflection, you realize it unlocked doors you didn’t even know existed. What if you could have that pivotal conversation today?

    This is the power of coaching. I’ve witnessed it firsthand in my coaching journey, especially with people who were initially unsure about whether working with a coach could really make a difference. Many clients come in with scepticism, asking, “Can a conversation really change my life?” The answer is a resounding yes. Sometimes, all it takes is someone outside your usual circle to challenge your thinking, help you see blind spots, and guide you toward insights that can shift your trajectory.

    The Power of One Question

    A question I often ask my clients is: “If you were to call me three years from today—as you look back to this conversation—what did we discuss that changed EVERYTHING?”

    This question isn’t just about daydreaming or wishful thinking. It’s a powerful tool that helps clients step out of their current reality and think deeply about their future. It forces them to consider what truly matters, what they might be ignoring or suppressing, and what needs to change to achieve the breakthroughs they desire. It’s about taking that long-term view and envisioning the future through the lens of today’s choices.

    Consider this: what could that one insight or realization be that could change the entire trajectory of your career, business, or personal life? What’s holding you back, and what would it take for you to break through?

    Let me share a real-life example.

    Neha’s Story: A Breakthrough Moment

    Neha, a marketing executive from Mumbai, approached me during a time when she was feeling completely stuck in her career. She was a high achiever, but something was missing. She didn’t know if she should continue climbing the corporate ladder or take the plunge into entrepreneurship. The corporate world offered stability, but it didn’t ignite her passion. On the other hand, the entrepreneurial path excited her but also brought fear—fear of failure, uncertainty, and risking her financial security.

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    Neha was unsure if coaching would really help. She thought, “How much can talking about my problems really change anything?” But during one of our sessions, I asked her that same question:
    “If you were to call me three years from today, what did we discuss that changed everything?”

    Neha paused. She realized that her struggle wasn’t just about leaving her job or starting a business—it was about fear. She feared failing to live up to her potential. Her corporate job, while safe, was holding her back from exploring her real aspirations. We dove deep into her fears, discussing them openly, and together we crafted strategies to confront them. We worked on a roadmap that would help her transition from her job to running her own business.

    Fast forward three years, Neha is now the proud owner of a successful online business that supports hundreds of women entrepreneurs. She often tells me, “That one question changed everything.” It gave her the clarity and courage to move forward with conviction.

    Are You Missing Out on Your Own Breakthrough?

    Neha’s story is not unique. Many of us operate with blind spots—areas of our life or career we can’t see clearly. We go through the motions, thinking we’re making progress, but in reality, we’re often stuck in the same patterns, circling the same issues without ever breaking through.

    That’s where coaching comes in.

    A good coach doesn’t give you the answers. They don’t tell you what to do. Instead, they ask the right questions, challenge your assumptions, and guide you toward discovering your own solutions. They help you uncover insights that you might not have reached on your own. It’s about pushing you to think bigger, dream bigger, and act with greater clarity and confidence.

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    The Blind Spots That Hold Us Back

    Most of us have blind spots that limit our progress. These are not just weaknesses we know about, but often areas we’re completely unaware of. For example, you might think you’re doing everything right to advance in your career, but perhaps there’s a mindset, a fear, or a limiting belief that’s quietly holding you back. Or maybe in your business, you believe you’ve exhausted all strategies, but an outside perspective could reveal a new path forward.

    Blind spots can take many forms:

    • Fear of failure, which stops us from taking bold steps.
    • Overconfidence, which prevents us from seeing where we need to grow.
    • Self-doubt, which holds us back from pursuing big opportunities.
    • Perfectionism, which delays progress because we’re never satisfied with the results.

    Coaching helps you identify these blind spots and then, more importantly, guides you in addressing them. Sometimes, you just need someone to help you see what’s right in front of you.

    What Could Change for You in Three Years?

    So, what about you?
    What might change for you if you had the right conversation today?

    If you’re on the fence about whether coaching is for you, ask yourself this:
    “If I could look back three years from now, what would I regret NOT doing today?”

    Sometimes, the answers to our most pressing challenges aren’t as far away as we think. They might simply require a shift in perspective, a new way of thinking, or a single powerful conversation to unlock the breakthrough you’ve been waiting for.

    The best time to start is now. There’s never a “perfect” time to invest in yourself, to take that leap of faith, or to seek out guidance. Life will always be busy, and uncertainty will always be there. But waiting won’t get you closer to your goals. It’s about taking action, even when things aren’t perfect.

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    Common Myths About Coaching

    If you’re hesitating, it might be because of one of these common myths:

    • “I don’t need a coach; I know my weaknesses.”
      Many people believe they have full awareness of their limitations. The truth is, we all have blind spots. A coach helps you see what you can’t see on your own.
    • “Coaching is only for people who are struggling.”
      Some of the most successful people in the world, from athletes to CEOs, work with coaches to push beyond their current limits. Coaching isn’t just for fixing problems; it’s about unlocking your potential and reaching the next level.
    • “I’m not sure I can afford it right now.”
      Investing in coaching is an investment in yourself. While the cost might seem high initially, the return on investment can be immeasurable. It’s not just about financial gain—it’s about personal growth, career advancement, and finding balance and fulfilment in your life.

    What’s Holding You Back?

    The reality is there’s never a “perfect” time to start working with a coach. Life will always be full of demands, and uncertainty will always exist. The real question you should ask yourself is:
    “How much longer can I afford to stay where I am?”

    How long will you continue to operate with blind spots, unaware of the opportunities you might be missing? How long will you continue to feel stuck, overwhelmed, or uncertain about your next steps?

    If you’re ready to explore what coaching could do for you, consider starting today. Think about where you want to be in three years. What needs to change, and what do you need to discuss today to make that future a reality?

    Coaching could be the key to unlocking the clarity, confidence, and momentum you need. Sometimes, it’s that ONE conversation that sets everything in motion.

    Take a moment to reflect—and if you’re ready to explore that life-changing conversation, reach out. It might just be the most impactful decision you ever make.


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