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No One is Self-Made: The Power of Finding Your ONE Person

    In life, we often hear the phrase “self-made” associated with highly successful individuals—whether it’s a business leader, an athlete, or a celebrity. But as I’ve learned through my own coaching journey, the idea of being truly self-made is more myth than reality. Behind every great success story lies the influence of others. Whether in business, personal development, or life itself, there is always ONE person who plays a pivotal role in shaping someone’s journey to success.

    This person may not always be front and center in the story, but their impact is undeniable. They might offer critical mentorship, unwavering belief, or simply the support needed to push someone forward when they are on the verge of giving up. The truth is that no matter how driven, talented, or hard-working you are, success is rarely achieved alone. The right relationships, particularly the ONE key relationship, can make all the difference.

    The Coaching Experience: Rajesh’s Story

    Let me share an example from my own coaching practice that illustrates this principle in action. One of my clients, Rajesh, was an ambitious young entrepreneur from Mumbai with a brilliant business idea. Rajesh had everything going for him—a solid concept, a market-ready product, and the drive to make his dream come true. But there was one thing holding him back: confidence. He lacked the belief in himself to execute his idea and turn it into a thriving business.

    During one of our sessions, we explored what was standing in the way of his success. It wasn’t lack of knowledge, resources, or even effort—it was something deeper. Rajesh needed someone who could believe in him, someone who could offer not just advice, but the kind of mentorship that builds confidence from the inside out. He needed that ONE person who could unlock his potential.

    I asked Rajesh to reflect on his past experiences and relationships. As he thought deeply, he identified an old college professor who had always been a strong believer in his abilities. This professor had once guided Rajesh through a tough academic phase, offering the encouragement and belief that he could succeed. That was Rajesh’s ONE person.

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    With my encouragement, Rajesh decided to reach out to his former professor. What followed was a powerful mentorship relationship that transformed Rajesh’s outlook. His professor didn’t just provide technical advice or business strategies; he offered the emotional support Rajesh needed to take the next leap. Six months later, Rajesh launched his business with renewed confidence, and today, he is one of the rising stars in his industry.

    The Lesson: Success is a Team Effort

    Rajesh’s story teaches a valuable lesson: behind every success story, there is one person who makes all the difference. It’s easy to think of success as a solo journey—an individual achievement born of hard work, passion, and talent. But the truth is that success is a team effort.

    Consider some of the most iconic Indian success stories. Take Narayana Murthy, co-founder of Infosys. He is often celebrated as one of India’s most successful business leaders, but Murthy himself credits his wife, Sudha Murthy, for being his greatest support. In the early days of Infosys, it was Sudha Murthy who provided the financial backing (₹10,000) to help start the company. More than that, she stood by her husband’s vision and belief in building a world-class technology company when the odds seemed stacked against them. Sudha Murthy was the ONE person in Narayana Murthy’s life who offered the support and belief that helped him achieve his dream.

    Another example comes from the world of Bollywood. Amitabh Bachchan, one of India’s most iconic actors, didn’t always enjoy success. In fact, during the early years of his career, he faced numerous rejections and setbacks. It was directors like Hrishikesh Mukherjee who saw his potential and gave him the opportunities that would shape his career. Mukherjee was the ONE person who backed Amitabh Bachchan when others didn’t. Without that support, Bachchan’s journey might have looked very different.

    These examples, both in business and entertainment, reinforce the idea that no matter how talented or determined someone is, there is always a ONE person behind the scenes who helps them along the way.

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    Actionable Advice: Finding Your ONE Person

    Now that we’ve established the importance of having that ONE person, the next question is: Who is your ONE person?

    1. Reflect on Your Past Relationships
      Often, we already have that ONE person in our lives—we just haven’t fully realized their impact. Think back to your past mentors, teachers, colleagues, or family members who have believed in you, encouraged you, or helped you through tough times. They might have offered advice, emotional support, or a helping hand when you needed it most. Is there someone who has consistently been there for you, pushing you forward? That could be your ONE person.
    2. Actively Seek Out Mentorship
      If you haven’t yet found that key relationship, it’s important to actively seek it out. In business, it could be a mentor with experience in your industry. In personal development, it might be a coach or teacher who can guide you. The point is, don’t wait for this relationship to come to you—go out and find it. Networking events, industry seminars, and even online communities can be great places to meet potential mentors.
    3. Nurture and Value the Relationship
      Once you’ve identified your ONE person, it’s important to nurture that relationship. Don’t take it for granted. Regularly reach out to them, keep them updated on your progress, and show appreciation for the guidance they’ve provided. Relationships are a two-way street, so also offer your support whenever possible. Strong connections are built on mutual trust, respect, and communication.
    4. Leverage Their Support for Growth
      Having that ONE person in your corner is just the first step. The real value comes from leveraging their support to fuel your growth. This doesn’t mean asking them to solve your problems, but rather using their insights, advice, and encouragement to push yourself further. Trust their guidance, but also take responsibility for your own actions and growth. As Rajesh did with his professor, use that relationship to gain clarity, build confidence, and move toward your goals.

    Success Is a Shared Journey

    The most successful people in the world understand that their journey wasn’t travelled alone. They know that no matter how much talent, drive, or ambition they had, their success was shaped by the relationships they built along the way.

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    Take the example of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, India’s former President and one of the country’s most revered scientists. Dr. Kalam’s success wasn’t just about his brilliance in the field of aeronautics and space research—it was also about the people who supported and guided him. Throughout his career, Dr. Kalam worked closely with mentors like Professor Satish Dhawan, who played a crucial role in shaping his professional growth. Without the mentorship and support from Dhawan and others, Dr. Kalam’s achievements might not have reached the same heights.

    In a similar vein, Indra Nooyi, the former CEO of PepsiCo, often credits her success to her close family support, particularly her mother. Nooyi’s family stood by her side as she navigated the challenges of being a top female executive in a global corporation. Her mother’s belief in her abilities and encouragement was a key factor in her ability to rise to the top.

    Whether it’s in business, science, sports, or the arts, there’s always that ONE person who makes the difference between good and great, between giving up and pushing through, between doubt and confidence.

    The ONE Question: Who Has Made the Difference in Your Life?

    Now that we’ve explored the impact of having a ONE person, it’s time to reflect on your own journey. Who is the ONE person that has made the most difference in your life? How are you leveraging their support to fuel your growth and success? If you haven’t identified that person yet, how will you go about finding them?

    The road to success is rarely a solo journey. It’s built on the foundation of strong, supportive relationships. So, take the time to identify and nurture those connections, because success is not just about what you know or how hard you work—it’s also about who helps you along the way.

    In the end, remember: No one is self-made. Behind every extraordinary achievement is at least one person who believed, supported, and guided the way.


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